Our Story
Having undergone medical struggles ourselves, we are deeply and personally familiar with the difficulty and challenge involved in finding a shidduch when having a medical condition.
In addition to the challenging medical situation, people will past or present illnesses stand before an immense obstacle when searching for a shidduch match. That which everyone takes for granted remains a faraway dream for them: Standing under the chuppah.
Many shadchanim (matchmakers) prefer not to get involved with cases of illness, due to the complexity of these types of shidduchim. Those shadchanim who do- usually lack proper medical understanding and tend to match up shidduchim that are totally off base, causing heartache to both sides.
Even when the shidduch seems compatible, both sides are left helpless as to receiving clear, reliable information regarding the degree of the other party’s medical condition. The doubt always remains that there may be concealed information, and there is no clarity as to the best method and best timing of revealing the full medical situation to the other party.
We could not stand silent to this situation. It had to change.
So, we did something about it. We initiated a professional solution that offers guidance, advice and appropriate shidduch matches for men and women with medical conditions.
We recruited the well-known medical advisor, Rabbi Ragovei, and together we blueprinted a system to manage shidduch matches in a discreet, sensitive and respectful manner- starting from the first telephone call received via a medical and personal matching system, continuing with professional guidance throughout the shidduch and assistance in averting any obstacles along the way and ending in the joyous cry of “Mazal Tov”!
Our story proves that when you do something because you really want to help- the sky is the limit to what can be done!
The people standing behind it all
Moshe Meiselish and Nachum Frank
The organization was born through our own personal experience of medical struggles, and our deep familiarity with the exhausting shidduch journey anyone in this situation has.”
“The challenges we faced on our way to building a bayis ne’eman beYisrael, and our desire to prevent others from the same type of suffering, are what give us the fuel and the motivation to devote ourselves to the organization’s daily activities, and to continue developing it to assist as many people as possible.”

Rabbi Moshe Meizelish
Chairman and founder

Rabbi Meir Zaltz
Head of Shidduch Program

Rabbi Shimon Ragovei
Multidisciplinary Medical Advisor

Rabbi Nachum Frank
Chairman and Founder

Amit Listwond
Legal Advisor Medical Rights Specialist

Rabbi Moshe Meizelish
Chairman and founder

Rabbi Nachum Frank
Chairman and Founder

Rabbi Shimon Ragovei
Multidisciplinary Medical Advisor

Rabbi Meir Zaltz
Head of Shidduch Program

Amit Listwond
Legal Advisor Medical Rights Specialist

הרב משה מייזליש
יו״ר ומייסד הארגון

הרב מאיר זלץ
ראש מערך השידוכים

הרב שמעון רגוביי
מנהל המחלקה הרפואית

הרב מאיר זלץ
ראש מערך השידוכים

הרב נחום פראנק
יו״ר ומייסד הארגון

הרב מאיר זלץ
ראש מערך השידוכים
Let's see this in numbers
in our database
- 312 men and women facing medical challenges are currently registered in the active shidduch database
- 8 staff members working with dedication, non-stop
- 150 shidduch match suggestions have been made over the past year
- 45 shidduch suggestions made it to a date over the past year
- An average of 15 weddings take place each year, due to 'Samchem'
- $7,000 estimated cost per shidduch, for the entire shidduch process
Words from Roshei Yeshivos
The ‘Samchem Bebinyan Shalem’ organization was founded under the directive and with the blessings of gedoley Yisroel, who expressed their admiration for the organization’s activity. They guide us with their psak regarding various complex issues which arise from time to time.
Rabbi David Cohen, Head of Yeshivas Chevron:
“People of strong spirit and generous heart initiated this important organization…such a great thing, of which there is nothing like it, to help and assist the building of batim ne’emanim biYisrael, for those who many times suffer because of previous stigmas, of which there is no basis. It is a great thing to assist them and support them, as much as possible. May they merit much siyata dishmaya to build Torah homes in Yisrael.”
Rabbi Hillel Hirsh shlita, head of Yeshivas Slabodka:
“The need for such an organization is very, very great, and the kindness which is done for those who can find their shidduch through them is an enormous kindness. Of course, all who assist this organization will be blessed from The source of all blessing, with all that is good in ruchnius and gashmius”
Rabbi Baruch Veisbacker shlita, head of Yeshivas Beis Matisyahu
Rabbi Shimon Galei shlita
“I hereby, regarding the important organization of ‘Samchem Bebinyan Shalem’, which does great and amazing things… of course it is a great merit to be a partner in this great organization, and I hereby bless all supporters and funders, that they be blessed with all good things…”